What Should I Look For in a Tennis Coach?

Finding the right tennis coach can significantly influence your tennis skills and enjoyment of the game. This article highlights key qualities and qualifications you should look for when choosing a tennis coach.

Experience and Qualifications

Consider a coach’s experience and certifications. Look for someone who has:

  • Professional Certification: Certifications from recognized organizations like the United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) or Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) indicate professional training and knowledge.
  • Playing Experience: A coach with a strong playing background, possibly at competitive levels, can provide insights not available from books or videos alone.

Coaching Style and Philosophy

Every coach has a unique approach to training. Evaluate if their coaching style aligns with your learning preferences:

  • Communication Skills: A good coach should be able to explain techniques and strategies in a way that you can understand and apply.
  • Philosophy: Some coaches focus on technique, others on strategy, and some on physical fitness. Make sure their focus aligns with your tennis goals.

Personality and Interpersonal Skills

The interaction between a coach and player is crucial. Look for a coach who is:

  • Positive and Encouraging: Encouragement and positive reinforcement can greatly enhance your learning experience and motivation.
  • Patient: Learning tennis can be challenging. A patient coach can make the process enjoyable and less stressful.


Your relationship with your coach goes beyond just learning tennis. Ensure there’s a good fit in terms of personality and communication style to make your training sessions productive and enjoyable.

Track Record and References

Look into their coaching history and speak to other students or parents about their experiences. A coach with a proven track record of improving their students’ skills and enjoyment of the game is likely a good choice.


Choosing the right tennis coach involves more than just finding a skilled player. The best coach for you will be someone who is qualified, aligns with your learning style, communicates well, and matches your personality. Take the time to find someone who can truly enhance your love for the game and your skills on the court.