Advanced Doubles Strategies: Coaching Tips for Competitive Tennis Teams

Understanding Doubles Dynamics

Doubles tennis requires a unique strategy compared to singles due to the interaction and coordination between partners. Effective doubles play demands teamwork, communication, and strategic positioning.

Positioning and Court Coverage

One of the key elements in doubles strategy is optimal court coverage. Coaches should train their players to understand the importance of positioning:

  • Up and Back Formation: One player at the net and the other at the baseline to cover both net plays and deep shots.
  • Side by Side: Both players at the net to dominate the front of the court and cut off angles, useful for putting pressure on opponents.

Communication Skills

Communication is crucial in doubles tennis. Players must constantly talk to each other about positioning, shot selection, and game strategy. Coaches should encourage verbal cues during matches and practice sessions to foster seamless teamwork.

Serving and Returning Strategies

The serve and return game in doubles can dictate the pace and style of the match:

  • Serving: Practice serving into specific areas of the box to set up the net player for a volley. Target the T and body serves to limit return angles.
  • Returning: Work on return drills that challenge the server’s partner at the net, aiming to neutralize the net player’s advantage quickly.

Practicing Poaching and Switching

Poaching—where the net player intercepts a return—is a dynamic and aggressive doubles tactic. Coaches should drill players on timing and execution to make poaching a reflexive part of their game. Similarly, switching positions effectively without losing momentum is crucial for maintaining an offensive posture.

By incorporating these strategies and focusing on drills that enhance coordination and communication, tennis coaches can significantly improve their players’ doubles game. Effective coaching in these areas helps teams develop a more intuitive and aggressive approach to competitive doubles tennis.