10 Mistakes Every Tennis Beginner Makes

Starting tennis can be as confusing as trying to follow a plot twist in an EastEnders episode. Here are 10 hilarious but common mistakes that every tennis beginner makes, so you can avoid them and maybe look like you know what you’re doing a bit sooner!

1. The Overzealous Serve

Who doesn’t want to smash a powerful serve? Unfortunately, it often ends up in the next court. Remember, it’s a tennis serve, not a rocket launch.

2. Grip Confusion

With grips ranging from Continental to Eastern, figuring out your grip can feel like solving a Rubik’s Cube. Spoiler: holding the racquet like a frying pan isn’t correct for any strokes.

3. Ball Toss Woes

The ball toss for a serve should not look like you’re feeding birds. Too high, too low, too left, too right – getting the toss right is a real art!

4. Forgetting the Score

Tennis scoring is its own kind of math. Love, fifteen, thirty… why not just 1, 2, 3? By the time you remember the score, you might have forgotten how to play.

5. The Net Rush

Rushing to the net at the wrong time is like sprinting through a red light. Timing and strategy are key, lest you want to be an easy target for your opponent’s passing shot.

6. Wild Backhands

The backhand can sometimes resemble swatting a fly. More often than not, the only thing you hit is air.

7. Line Call Amnesia

Beginners often forget that the lines are part of the court. Yes, those lines on the ground aren’t just decorative.

8. The Premature Celebration

Celebrating a point too early is like doing a victory lap before the race ends. Make sure the ball landed out before you fist pump.

9. Underestimating the Sun

Playing without sunglasses on a sunny day? You’ll soon learn that the biggest opponent isn’t across the net, it’s above you.

10. Dress Code Misfires

Showing up in running shoes instead of tennis shoes is like bringing a butter knife to a sword fight. Footwear matters!


Everyone makes these mistakes, but with a bit of practice and some attention to the quirks of the game, you’ll soon be playing like a pro, or at least not giggling at the score anymore!